# create a DNS entry for pointing to the new Ingress's IP (get the IP from the `kubectl get ingress`) # set up the new load balancer at (it should have an HTTPS frontend with a Google-managed certificate for keybase.chia. Kubectl apply -f keybase-live-feed-ingress.yaml # create Ingress to load-balance and perform HTTS termination Kubectl expose deployment keybase-live-feed -target-port=4000 -type=NodePort # create a NodePort service to expose the Docker image deployment on each node on a randomly selected high port number This was done as was successfully provided to the defending Chia security. Gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-bĭocker build -t gcr.io/ $ -port 4000 and a key base controlling the approaches to Chungking and Kunming. Gcloud config set project " $PROJECT_ID " Sudo systemctl start rviceĮxport PROJECT_ID= "opportune-bot-206722 " export NUM_NODES=1 Sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/rvice > /var/www/keybaselivefeed/letsencrypt-renew-certificate.log 2>&1` in the root crontab with `sudo crontab -e` # start keybase-live-feed and Nginx Sudo adduser -system -disabled-login -group keybaselivefeed # set up restricted user and autostart on boot var/www/keybaselivefeed/backend/src/static Sudo npm run build & sudo cp -r /var/www/keybaselivefeed/frontend/build/. # set up application cd /var/www/keybaselivefeed/frontend I tried to join a pool to see if that would confirm it was working. Logs are clear and gui shows synced, farming, challenges, peers and correct farm size.

4 harvesters and the farmer are all on 1.8. Sudo mv /var/www/keybaselivefeed/keybase-live-feed-master/ * /var/www/keybaselivefeed/ Other places to discuss Chia: I have a 1.4Pb farm that before about Feb 1 produced about 2-4 xhr a week. It’s designed to be as simple and efficient as possible, but still provide broad functionality.

Sudo unzip code.zip -d /var/www/keybaselivefeed Chialisp is our native programming language, built with security and auditability top of mind. Go to keybase chat to get the latest ones, like so: 1052×579 73.4 KB You can type introducers in the support channel of Chia keybase chat to get the current list, apparently.

Chia keybase manual#
# MANUAL STEP: download code from as `code.zip` to your local computer, then run `scp code.zip on your local computer cd ~
Chia keybase install#
Sudo apt-get -y update & sudo apt-get install -y nodejs Sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade -y & sudo apt-get -y install curl fuse vim libappindicator-dev unzip nginx # install Node.js and Keybase dependencies