Our researchers share not only the lab space itself but also equipment, bench space and qualified technical staff, thereby helping reducing research costs. An important part of the work of IBEC’s Core Facilities is managing this crucial area and facilitating it. Space and resources shouldn’t be a concern in the day-to-day work of our researchers. IBEC’s Core Facilities are designed and managed to facilitate research and promote the interaction and exchange of knowledge between IBEC scientists from different fields of expertise. IBEC provides its researchers with extensive research facilities and a scientific–technical infrastructure distributed over interdisciplinary open lab spaces. IBEC is committed to turning research results into practical applications, providing innovative solutions to industry and to hospitals, and, ultimately, to society. Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems.Protein Phase Transitions in Health and Disease.Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization.Molecular Imaging for Precision Medicine.Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology.Biomimetic systems for cell engineering.Biomedical signal processing and interpretation.Bioinspired Interactive Materials and Protocellular Systems.Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies.

Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies.